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Live In Freedom
A Dynamic Speaker, Author, Career Professional and Serial Entrepreneur with many other talents. Empowering others to live a stable and healthy life. Helping people to Rise & Shine beyond their circumstances.
Knowledgable and powerful in multiple fields, Catrese has shared her experiences and stories on how to navigate through many of the different difficulties in the industries she's worked in, and shared her career coaching and navigation techniques in areas such as Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, Spiritual Empowerment, Filming, Mental Health and Wellness, Financial Stability, HR Role in Leading Organizational Transformation, Life-Work Balance...and Public Speaking.
All of her businesses include LWV Ladies With Vision, Inc., Le’bleu Diamond Corporation, and Boss Cat Entertainment which have birthed some dynamic programs including (“You Matter In the City, Ask Cat Live, The Luv Parlor, The C.O.M.P Foundation – Children of Murdered Parents, Fit for Funding-Get your Business in Order, MMT-Masterpieces Makeover Takeover, and HerStrength”),
Two #1 Best Selling Books on Amazon
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